Rules of Fulmina Foundation

Fulmina Foundation Charter

The Foundation offers a means of bringing together human faculties, skills, men and women with a passion for the different sectors of activity of the Fulmina Foundation, of recruiting in a common action the many qualified actors, passionate about goodwill, in order to support evolution, preserve the wisdom of nations and the knowledge of humanity. Our aim is to promote the importance of life, the right to exist, human dignity and respect for others. Justice lies in tolerance, in the goodness of being: everything that is an expression of goodness is a manifestation of what is true, just and beautiful. The institute has the firm intention of not infringing the noble values of planetary humanism.

The Foundation aims to bring together humanists, whether they be writers, poets, workers in any discipline, craftsmen, scientists, engineers, painters, sculptors, architects, farmers, researchers or musicians; it aims to stimulate any useful initiative relating to the development and improvement of general and professional culture; it aims to produce information and notices likely to be of interest to general education and the awakening of global civic values on all modern distribution and communication media.

Fulmina Foundation expresses a humanitarian objective with a unified, ecumenical and interfaith, supranational and apolitical intention. It intends to promote the Arts, Sciences, Letters and Crafts with the aim of technical and moral improvement, to renew general human culture, to raise the level of individual consciousness, to encourage the specific progress of peoples, societies and nations, to develop in everyone the concepts of Beauty, Truth, Goodness, Justness, Usefulness and Pleasantness, to pursue a quest for wisdom in relation to imperishable, eternal and universal values, to encourage healthy emulation in artistic creation, scientific research, philosophical speculation, metaphysical reflection and meditation on the imperishable values of existence.

The foundation intends to encourage cultural, literary, artistic, scientific, philosophical and religious exchanges, with the noble intention of promoting the brotherhood of nations and peoples.

The Foundation fights against all forms of global injustice, because injustice is the mother of all violence. It intends to support all projects going in the direction of the previous formulations, namely the various fields of Science, Medicine, Culture, Education, Environment, Agriculture, Industry, Society and Life, and any other that contributes to the creative flourishing and the protection of nature.

Fulmina Foundation Charter refers to the following international declarations and conventions :

  • The Declaration of the United Nations of January 1st, 1942
  • The Charter of the United Nations signed in San Francisco on June 26th, 1945. At the end of the United Nations Conference for International Organisation that came into effect on October 24th, 1945
  • The Statute of the International Court of Justice in The Hague being an integral part of the United Nations Charter.
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights signed in Paris, France on December 10th, 1948
  • The Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed in Rome, Italy on November 4th, 1950
  • The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, adopted by the General Meeting of the United Nations on December 8th, 1979
  • The Convention on the Rights of the Child approved by the General Meeting of the United Nations on November 20th, 1989
  • The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union signed in Nice, France on December 7th, 2000.


Fulmina Foundation brings together human resources for emergency humanitarian situations and for optimising projects in the fields of science, medicine, culture, education, the environment, agriculture, industry, society and life, in order to meet humanity’s most pressing needs.

Those human abilities are characterised by :

  • The will to respect, intelligence and selflessness.
  • Wisdom for all the kingdoms of existence.

A concrete will to materialise perennial objectives: economic, humanitarian and social, designed to protect the general level of our human consciousness.

In pursuing its objectives, Fulmina naturally takes into consideration the primary factor that characterises life, its right, its duty and its respect. The foundation is concerned never to infringe the realisation of what is vital, in accordance with dignity.

Fulmina Foundation adopts an original line of conduct through right thought and action, the main characteristic of which is adaptability to the constant evolution of the world in the following fields: Science, Medicine, Culture, Environment, Agriculture, Industry, Social and Life as a whole. It takes into account the fact that life is constantly changing and evolving, which is in itself the principle of the perfection of every living being.

Human beings possess psychic, intellectual, moral and spiritual faculties that are constantly expanding in all fields, as well as a very ancient history that places them in the forefront of organised living beings.

Intelligence is a voluntary activity of the objective and subjective mind, and through reflection it is opposed to instinct. Through their mind, which makes it possible the exercise of the intellect, humans are able to know, understand, reason, adapt, show discernment, discrimination, abstraction, a spirit of synthesis and intuition, which are the foundations of human genius expressed through the means of an articulated language and practically infinite inventive and constructive capacities. Faced with the various dangers that threaten them, they have always found themselves in a position to react in order to break down the obstacles standing in the way of their evolution towards perfection and the quest for greater happiness.

Human history is the knowledge and recounting of past events deemed worthy of belonging to the collective or personal memory of peoples and individuals. It reveals the chronological stages of their material, psychic, psychological and spiritual evolution, and thus represents the scientific study of planetary evolution.

By exercising their highest faculties, humans are able to develop and expand their nature and aspirations, to increase their material, moral, intellectual and spiritual wealth. True human beings can therefore only be the advanced, evolved ones, relatively opposed to the animal condition which has its own line of evolution. Goodness is the criterion of evolved human beings, the cement that unites peoples and individuals.

Fulmina Foundation brings together all the human abilities likely to improve the human condition in general and to intervene in certain emergency situations in particular, in order to provide plausible solutions to the planet’s critical problems and to bring about beneficial, satisfactory, useful, just and moral change.

It intends to contribute to satisfying certain fundamental needs of humanity, inherent in natural necessities, in the requirements raised by the very nature of the world or of social life. By bringing together all these living, dynamic and active forces of thought, it aims to improve the general state of the planet and to enable humankind to develop the highest qualities of the human spirit. Humanist culture is what humanity needs most in critical periods of its history.

Foundation Fulmina intends to have at its disposal the means to carry out a wide range of practical projects, studies, research into economic, humanitarian and social solutions, the results of wich should be to improve, perfect, restore and integrate the qualities which are at the root of the emergence of a planetary race united and welded together by the unbreakable bonds of human brotherhood, the sharing of intellectual and moral values and the fair distribution of planetary wealth.

The fraternisation of peoples enables the establishment of a lasting world peace and perpetuates a new era of constructive pacification.

The development of the qualities of the mind is at the root of all the capacities of reflection, meditation, contemplation, action, enterprise, innovation, from which stem all kinds of skills, technologies, techniques and know-how, with the aim of facing up to the great challenges of the new age.

This results in new, broader and more inclusive resources for humans, enabling them to realise their most legitimate intentions and noblest aspirations, the causes of which produce the best consequences for the planetary environment.

Fulmina Foundation – a structure with an international vocation – is at the service of all the nations and peoples of the earth without exception.

It considers that each nation and each people constitute indivigroups, i.e.; groups of people who all have a common denominator, characterised by their awareness of their specific unity. All the indivigroups, whatever their size, represent communities established on territories, each defined and personified by a sovereign authority. Each group of individuals is united by the desire to live together peacefully, in order to form a harmonised group.

A nation is therefore an indivisible unit whose members must be aware of their common origin. It is up to them to understand that the interests of some are the interests of all, and that what affects one individual has an impact on all the other individuals in the group.

We intend to work so that all human beings acquire that global awareness of belonging to the same community that makes up the Great Planetary Human Family that Mother Earth nourishes.

True globalisation lies in the process of establishing the brotherhood of peoples and nations in a spirit of synthesis and total pacification.

No one should ignore the fact that all the nations of the world share the same life and existence, that their interests are common and that the same blood flows in the veins of every human being, whatever the colour of their skin, their culture, education and social position.

The resources of Fulmina Foundation are international and based on people’s faculties, their inner and outer abilities, which enable them to face up to all the difficult situations and the challenges of life. They aim to satisfy their needs in strict compliance with natural balances.

Foundation Fulmina has set itself the goal of bringing together men of science and reflection in the various human resources application departments. The Charter of this organisation is not set in stone and may naturally evolve over time.

Fulmina Foundation aims to be a centre of strength, love, light, consciousness, reflection, knowledge, a library of global know-how for the betterment of humanity.

Each department and sector of knowledge and utilitarian understanding is distinct from each other in the interactivity of all possible fields of application that are human resources.

The Foundation is keen to act and work in all areas of knowledge and information. It intends to participate in the smooth evolution of the planet, while actively working to protect the values of holistic (global) knowledge and their applications in the daily life around the world.

The Foundation aims to safeguard, protect, guarantee, promote and encourage what is positive in the many areas of human activity. It considers positive what is in conformity with the supreme values of Beauty, Goodness, Truth and Justness.

The Foundation considers lessons learnt from human experiences to be positive. Anything that is of practical use and relieves the physical strain on human beings is also considered positive.

Humans are beings in constant evolution. Evolution implies going through a series of transformations and is linked to the ideas of human development and mental and social progress. Evolution is a gradual transformation that takes place slowly over time, a progressive change of state of consciousness, whose processes involve a series of physical, vital, psychic, intellectual, and spiritual modifications.

Evolution implies the interplay of the universal law of causality, according to which the creation of new causes generates new effects. Humans therefore have the power to change what is old, obsolete and outdated, by acting in the present, through the creation of new causes that they bring to life thanks to new creative ways of thinking. In the very notion of evolution lies the hope for a better life. It therefore becomes obvious that the same old negative causes always generate the same negative consequences. Those who do not advance, regress and involute, creating a situation in which they seem to be returning to the primitive, even bestial and barbaric state of human condition.

Evolution is a process that conforms both to the natural order, which subjects all things to the law of transmutation, and to a controlled series of changes in human thought and in the external form of man, which enhances the deeply sacred essence of human nature. There can be no progress without evolution. There can be no evolution without transformation of people’s ways of thinking. There can be no mental transformation without access to the higher culture of the mind and an education of the consciousness.


The development of the human intellect involves mobilising human intelligence and resources to bring about a wider expansion of humanity’s global consciousness.

Fulmina Foundation takes evolution into account. It is particularly interested in the general blossoming of the human intellect, the mobilisation of all human capabilities and the development of the intellect in its relationship with the necessity of life’s experiences.

Fulmina Foundation Charter carries out its projects in the following departments :

  • Science
  • Medicine
  • Culture
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Agriculture
  • Industry
  • Society and Life

Respect for life, intellect and higher consciousness.

Humanity has a duty to value the content of these evolutionary disciplines. These fields of action must be restored to their full authenticity. The loss of those values would be a real tragedy for humanity.

Fulmina Foundation does not aim to only set up simple multidisciplinary research programmes. It strives to bring together the quintessence of understanding, knowledge and skills, in order to establish between those various departments a synarchic synergy, capable of providing global solutions to mankind’s problems. The term “synarchic” refers to the synthesis that an institute strives to achieve, where each of member is competent in his or her own field.

The Institute does not claim to solve all the material problems of humanity. The mission it has set itself and to which it devotes itself is to help humanity rise in consciousness on the evolutionary path, respecting the particularities, the specificities, the inherent genius of each people.

Its primary aim is therefore to mobilise all intelligences, all geniuses, all human beings of goodwill (whether farmers, scientists, craftsmen, artists, skilled workers, creative individuals or self-taught), wishing to serve the community, the one great human family. It is about helping each human being to follow the perfective path of evolution.

The solution to humanity’s problems cannot come from a single man, from a lone researcher. A lone servant can provide part of the answer to a problem. At present, in the field of research, there is division, sectorisation, a scattering of knowledge and a lack of synthesis. The trend towards hyper-specialisation and the absence of unified activity are impoverishing the fields of research in all departments of knowledge. By accepting or ignoring this tendency towards intellectual impoverishment, man limits his autonomy.

Fulmina Foundation seeks to bring together as many solid skills as possible, in order to put them at the service of projects designed to raise the general condition of humanity.

For all those reasons, Fulmina Institute has defined as clearly and briefly as possible the 9 departments of knowledge to which it intends to devote itself.

Definition of the 9 activity departments of Fulmina Foundation

  • Science: its universal nature
  • Medicine: art of preserving and restoring human health
  • Culture: evolutionary cause and consequence of progress
  • Education: system of perpetuation, development and enrichment of culture
  • Environment: its multifaceted aspects
  • Agriculture: food, the basis of physical civilisation and progress
  • Industry: technique and creativity at the service of mankind
  • Society and Life: harmonious organisation of society
  • Protection of life: existence as a criterion of action

Department 1

Science: its universal nature

Article 1 – Science implies understanding…

Science implies understanding, knowledge and wisdom. It implies a total expression of the ˝spiritual˝ consciousness of the cosmos and the world. Science without conscience is but ruin of the soul, declared the 14th-century writer François Rabelais. It implies two notions: that of understanding and that of knowing. Its vocation is to examine, analyse, study and compare the phenomena of life in order to deduce physical laws.

Article 2 – Understanding is information …

Understanding is information that man’s objective mind synthesises and records. Knowledge is a globalised synthesis of all understanding that the human consciousness memorizes as the very foundation of the evolution of humanity.

Article 3 – Understanding is something that may or may not be useful…

Understanding is something that may or may not be useful for improving everyday human life. Knowledge is the permanent capacity to hold concepts, notions, ideas, archetypes of things in mind. Ideas are pictorial representations of things and beings. They are elaborated by the thinker and activated by the human will which expresses itself through the elaboration of variable thought-forms. Reflection on ideas enables the thinker (who is the thinking principle of human nature) to discover the laws that characterise the functioning of the Economy of Matter and Nature.

Article 4 – Science can be defined as the body of phenomenological knowledge

Science can be defined as the body of understanding and knowledge resulting from work whose scope is marked by the seal of universality. Its objective is the study facts and relationships that can be verified experimentally in given contexts, using specific methods based on observation, experiment, deduction, analysis and synthesis, to develop hypotheses that can be confirmed and validated or, on the contrary, invalidated. Mental reflection is the basis of analysis, which enables the mind to thoroughly examine a given problem or situation.

Article 5 – Scientific thought enables us to understand the ideas behind the appearance of things and beings.

Scientific thought allows us to grasp certain concepts to a certain extent, i.e., abstract representations of an object or a set of objects with common characteristics. Concepts can also be defined as the expression of general ideas applicable to given and clearly determined situations or contexts.

Article 6 – The image that thought forms of a thing or a being …

The image that thought forms of a thing or a being through the faculty of imagination is the mental representation of that thing or that being. An archetype is the primitive model of a thing or a being. An image can be analogical when the analytical and concrete mind uses imagination to establish a resemblance between two apparently different objects.

Article 7 – Thinking is twofold …

Thinking is twofold: concrete or objective and causal or subjective. Objective thinking works through the critical and analytical mind, which examines the formal or material appearance of things, beings and events. Causal thought refers to a faculty that transcends critical and analytical faculties: it can be called “intuition”, and defined as the subjective faculty of awakened consciousness, capable of apprehending the causal nature of things, beings and situations, by means of a superior, pure reason, inherent in the existence of a subjective mind or a causal intellect.

Article 8 – Objective or analytical thought …

Objective or analytical thought deals with the form aspect of matter by taking into account the exoteric knowledge of the appearance with which general life is clothed.

Article 9 – Subjective or synthetic thought …

Subjective or synthetic thought, on the other hand, deals with the consciousness aspect by taking into account the “esoteric” knowledge of what lies behind appearances, seeking to spontaneously understand – through the superior faculty of intuition – what constitutes the essence of things and beings.

Article 10 – We can also say that objective thought is interested in the form aspect of life.

We can also say that concrete objective thought is interested in the phenomenal nature of the appearance and form aspect of matter. Causal subjective thought is mainly interested in the noumenal nature of consciousness and the essence aspect of what constitutes the animating causal functions of life in manifestation.

Article 11 – Thus, the Science of the Future must involve the knowledge of matter and spirit of life.

Thus, the Science of the Future can no longer be defined as the simple “exoteric” knowledge of material phenomena, but must be considered – to be complete – as both noumenal and “esoteric” knowledge of the processes of animating consciousness, and the intuitive understanding of the founding essence of substance.

Article 12 – Objective thought cannot function without the subjective mental faculty

Objective thought cannot function without recourse to subjective thought, and the latter in turn cannot function without referring to the perception or reflection of what is the very essence of life in perpetual evolution.

Article 13 – Science begins with questions …

Science begins with questions to be asked, problems to be solved, enigmas to be clarified, subjects which demand all the enlightenment of reason. By deepening the knowledge of phenomena, the scientists discover the existence of noumena which forces them take up new challenges, to discover what lies behind the veil of appearances and to understand the very essence of life in constant evolution. By adopting a coherent and logical approach, they must bring science to push back the finitude and the limits of the human intellect.

Article 14 – It is obvious that thought, objective and subjective, is the primary instrument of knowledge.

It is clear that thought, both objective and subjective, is the main working tool of the human personality. It is capable of undertaking all kinds of work with universal scope. Without elaborate mental equipment, science does not exist. Hence it is universal in principle. It is one of the major aspects of knowledge, meant to lead humankind towards the realization of wisdom. Without wisdom, there can be no improvement in humanity, and therefore no progress or lasting peace between the people and the societies that bring them together. Our scientific motto is:


The contributions of science must benefit the collective good of mankind and not be the object of financial speculation for the benefit of a minority. The following points should therefore be made clear:

Article 15 – Science must have a beneficent utility

Science must have practical use and produce work. Work is a set of organised, coordinated human activities which aim to produce what is useful for people’s daily life, advantageous for their health and necessary for their life. It must have a beneficent dimension.

Article 16 – The work in science …

The work of science is a series of fundamental investigations on a purely intellectual level, but whose benefits can have practical applications in people’s daily life.

Article 17 – Scientific research aims to find, to discover …

Scientific research aims to find and discover, through the efforts of the human mind, everything that can help us to progress along the path to self-awareness and knowledge of the world. The word “research” also implies a body of work aimed at discovering, rediscovering or revealing new knowledge. Research is likely to bring to light what is ignored, unknown or forgotten, due to a lack of study and experimentation or the disappearance of humanity’s ancient archives.

Article 18 – Through studies conducted on various fields …

Through study applied to this or that field, Science can acquire the knowledge inherent in that field and understand the meaning of things. By applying an ordered method, it verifies the facts relating to the study of phenomena. The scientists compare their discoveries with natural reality, checking their internal coherence, in order to recognise their plausibility. Science is therefore necessarily based on a methodology, i.e., a set of rational approaches, so-called “Cartesian” methods, and an operating protocol of verifications, for the sole purpose of discovering, verifying, demonstrating and validating the truth inherent in material “facts” or relating to the existence of a given reality hitherto unknown to man himself. To achieve their goals, scientists therefore always take reasoned steps, which must also be reasonable.

Article 19 – Science relies mainly on the use of reason and intuition

Science relies primarily on the use of reason and common sense. Reason is a faculty specific to the exercise of awakened consciousness. It enables humans to judge, compare, know all things in accordance with the principles of common sense.

Article 20 – The scientific method comprises several stages …

The scientific method comprises several stages relating to the controlled activities of the concrete intellect and the use of objective mental equipment: observation, hypothesis, experiment and deduction.

Article 21 – Observation …

Observation: the first stage. This is the mental action which consists in carefully and continuously examining the objects of knowledge: Nature, Man, Society, all living forms, both animate and apparently inanimate. It then accounts for the phenomena observed by describing and measuring them, while subjecting them to the mathematical laws of statistics and the teachings of nature.

Article 22 – Hypothesis …

Hypothesis: the second stage. This is the intellective, thoughtful act of formulating a proposition that one accepts as a plausible, true or likely solution to a given problem. The hypothesis relates to the explanation of natural phenomena, but must be verifiable by experience and deduction. The deduction can and generally precedes the elaboration of the hypothesis, because from the observation the scientist can deduce the propositions of the hypothesis.

Article 23 – Experiment …

Experiment: the third stage. This is the testing phase which consists in putting the hypothesis into practice. Science attempts to reproduce certain phenomena in the laboratory in order to verify the truth and validity of the hypothesis. If the experiment confirms the hypothesis, science can validate the knowledge of the law discovered by deduction.

Article 24 – Deduction …

Deduction: the fourth stage. It concludes the validity of experience by reasoning. It is a value judgement, a statement of position on a question that has found its solution. It highlights the law that governs the reproduction of phenomena in precise experimental conditions, within a given framework and according to a precise system of reference. As already mentioned, deduction is also necessary for the development of the hypothesis, and therefore precedes and follows the hypothesis and the experiment.

Article 25 – Therefore, Science allows by its experimental approach …

Therefore, Science allows, by its experimental approach, to implement an operating protocol which results from the application of a method, from the rigorous analysis of Mankind and his Environment, with the intention of knowing them better or making them known.

Department 2

Medicine: art of preserving and restoring human health

Article 1 – Medicine is commonly accepted as …

Medicine is commonly accepted as being the art of healing and relieving human or animal suffering. It is not a science, but is based on the knowledge acquired from various scientific, practical and technological fields. It is an art whose practice evolves with the progress of science. It is therefore based on Science. It can be said that its aim is to preserve or maintain the human or animal form and restore health. It strives to prevent and cure the ailments and diseases that affect humankind. Its methods and techniques are developed for treating illnesses.

Article 2 – Medicine aims to preserve …

Medicine aims to preserve the balance of the human or animal form, to maintain it, to keep it intact, to fight against all factors and agents, physical, psychic and psychological, likely to undermine the integrity of the forms in its physical, psychic, psychological and mental aspects. Its objective is to fight against any alteration or destruction of the life form of the human being. It seeks to provide the necessary remedies to restore broken balances, to restore what has been disrupted for many reasons and by a wide variety of causes. Its aim is to re-establish harmony, bring about healing, to provide relief from physical, psychological or mental ailments. The return to health is the essential concern of Medicine.

Article 3 – Health is the natural condition …

Health is the natural condition of any harmonised body. The loss of harmony of form is called disease. Therefore, health is what is physiologically, psychologically, mentally and spiritually healthy. Indeed, from a physical point of view, health is the good physiological state of what is healthy. A healthy organism functions regularly and harmoniously for an appreciable period of time. From a psychological and mental point of view, health is also a state of balanced mental and psychic faculties. When the state of stability of the human personality is disrupted, disease – acute or chronic – ensues.

Article 4 – As the art of curing …

As the art of curing, caring for and alleviating pain and suffering, Medicine is a body of knowledge that brings together a wide range of skills, competencies, aptitudes and rules of action, the means of which should make it possible to achieve the results previously mentioned: healing, relief, care, maintenance, preservation of the body. Art therefore calls on science, know-how, traditional techniques and even morals, ethics, metaphysics and spirituality.

Article 5 – Ideally, the aim of Medicine …

Ideally, the aim of Medicine is to prevent disease, to get ahead of it, to prevent it from manifesting itself, by taking certain prophylactic precautions, certain hygienic measures to be put in place, by fighting against all forms of pathogenic and exogenous, environmental intoxication, in order to avoid the evils of industrial civilisation. Evil is what is contrary to psychic balance, to physical or psychic harmony. Evil is naturally the reverse or the opposite of good, of what promotes the general well-being of man or animal.

Article 6 – Medicine does not fulfil its essential role if …

Medicine is not fulfilling its essential role if it does not provide the means to treat the sick, the solutions for restoring failing health, maintaining the balance of the biological and psychic form. The patient is the person who is suffering from a particular ailment, the person whose organism is disturbed and unbalanced. Evil is what causes pain, suffering, the tension specific to suffering and pain, grief and unhappiness, from both the physical and moral points of view.

Article 7 – In summary…

In summary: Medicine is all the means, techniques, methods made available to mankind in order to restore the broken balances of human nature. Preserving and restoring man’s intrinsic harmony are the two essential objectives of any medicine worthy of the name. To this end, it may employ a given remedy and/or an adequate treatment, the aim always being man’s physical and moral well-being. However, it is clear that the well-being of human beings also has something to do with their individual and collective ways of life, which in turn depends on culture and education in general, as well as the state of the environment, the conditions and quality of food, social life and the degree of development of human consciousness and form.

Department 3

Culture: evolutionary cause and consequence of progress

Article 1 – Culture has two meanings …

Culture has two meanings: real and figurative. In the real and primitive sense, it is the work carried out to fertilise the land and improve its productivity. In the figurative and secondary sense, it is any human intellectual effort and activity aiming at developing people’s natural gifts, their creative potential, their moral and ethical qualities to their full potential, so as to raise them above their natural, initial, primitive and instinctive condition. It raises humanity, individually and collectively, to a higher state of self-awareness and spiritual development.

Article 2 – Individually, culture constitutes …

Individually, culture is the sum total of understanding, knowledge and wisdom acquired over the ages, enriching the human spirit and helping it to progress towards greater self-perfection. It is general in nature when it refers to fields of application that concern the human race as a whole, apart from trades and all technical or professional specialisations.

Article 3 – Culture is the business of every civilisation …

Culture is the business of every civilisation. It includes collective intellectual aspects inherent in the religious, moral, aesthetic, scientific and technical life of evolving peoples.

Article 4 – We call civilisation …

We call civilisation all the intellectual and spiritual characteristics common to the most advanced human societies in terms of religion, philosophy, morality, aesthetics, science and technology.

Article 5 – We call religion …

We call religion (from the Latin word religare = to connect/link) this feeling or awareness, by which and through which humans feel connected to something greater than themselves in the overall universe, and which enables them to recognise necessarily the existence of a higher Principle, of a supreme Intelligence, of an absolute Presence, of a sublime Wisdom – which is both transcendent and immanent – on whose nature and power on all destinies depend. That recognition of an absolute and supreme First Cause is what gives evolution a real meaning and purpose. Without it, there is neither true human morality nor real collective ethics.

Article 6 – Religion is generally …

Religion is generally reduced to an intellectual attitude by which humans adhere to certain ideas of morality and human conduct, resulting in a system of beliefs and ritual practices specific to various social groups. All social life is necessarily governed by the principle of order. Order is a matter of self-control, which is the foundation of all real education, and not any moral or religious compulsion. Any constraint leads to the many forms of dictatorship and despotism. It is through the principle of love of neighbour that humans must maintain peaceful relations with one another. Practical kindness is the criterion of that philanthropic love.

Article 7 – Religion is therefore based on …

Religion is therefore based on mystical faith, certain ideological convictions such as the well-founded goodness, beauty, truth and justice, moral hope, self-confidence in something superior, with a profound adherence of the intellect and feeling, what people call mind and heart, intelligence and love, reason and wisdom.

Article 8 – Morality …

Morality concerns the particular mores of people who, according to certain rules accepted by all the members of a society, put into practice certain habits whose good or bad nature is defined by extremely relative criteria and whose norms vary from one era to another. Morality can be said to be a philosophical tendency which consists in theorising human action, subjecting it to the necessities of duty, responsibility or the goals that a given society proposes to achieve. Duty and a sense of responsibility can in themselves be a general moral obligation.

Article 9 – Ethics …

Ethics is nothing other than morality extended to the whole community and can therefore be a political and social nature.

Article 10 – In order to avoid all sorts of misbehaviour …

In order to avoid all kinds of misbehaviour and to encourage, up to a certain point, common life in society and community, every nation and people, as well as every individual group, must define a moral course of conduct, based on knowledge and wisdom, and no longer on the ancestral admission of certain mores or customs, or even of certain usages that have become traditional. The construction or elaboration of a system of morals or ethics therefore depends on the degree to which people have developed a higher awareness of the world and the environment. That moral and ethical system is then codified, ratified by democratic law and accepted by citizens.

Article 11 – In order to be valid …

In order to be valid, any system of morals and ethics must take as its point of reference this single system of reference that is the notions of public or individual good, goodness, beauty, truth and justness. Goodness, Beauty, Truth and Justness are the general foundations of morality and ethics. Anything that is contrary to any morality and ethics of Goodness, Beauty, Truth and Justness will be called evil: all individual moral obligations and ethical obligations of societies must always refer to those areas of permanent reference.

Department 4

Education: a system of perpetuating, developing and enriching culture

Article 1 – Education is this gradual process …

Education is this gradual process by which the human mind is formed and developed, wether as an individual or as part of a community. Its objective is to instruct people, instil in them a certain number of values and notions essential to community life, to teach them the principles necessary for mastery, so as to enable them to face life, individually and as part of a society, with a sufficiently developed personality.

Article 2 – It is made possible …

It is made possible by pedagogy, instruction, teaching, knowledge and practice of the evolving customs of society, politeness, good manners.

Article 3 – An individual’s education …

An individual’s education is the result of the acquisition of a body of theoretical and practical knowledge. It begins in early childhood. It is first provided by the family and then by the school. School is the institution (whether public or private) where collective education is provided. It provides the additional training that the family is not always able to instil in children.

Article 4 – We call pedagogy …

We call pedagogy the science of educating children and the method of teaching itself. Teaching is the means of educating through the transmission of knowledge, using specific signs in spoken and written language. The act of teaching is the activity of passing on to future generations the body of theoretical and practical knowledge, i.e., the values considered to be part of the common culture. Knowledge and skills are transmitted through books and all forms of communication (newspapers, journals, magazines, audiovisual media, radio and film).

Article 5 – School transmits to the pupil …

School for all must be able to pass on useful knowledge and techniques to pupils, so that they understand and assimilate them, and integrate the elements they have acquired into their intellectual memory, thus building up a culture common to all the members of their community. Technique is the set of practical processes used to produce a given work, carry out any work or obtain any other specific, desired or desirable result. School education includes in its teaching system a set of rules of conduct designed to determine the civic behaviour of the future adults, their way of acting socially or in private, their way of behaving and observing a discipline.

Article 6 – Naturally, people can …

Naturally, people can acquire knowledge and master techniques outside the school environment, by themselves and through reading, in order to satisfy their intellectual curiosity and quench their personal thirst for knowledge. In this respect, freedom of expression is essential to any form of education and culture. It goes hand in hand with the freedom to think, to associate, to undertake, to create and to invent. Education is the very act of continuing one’s education with a view to enriching and shaping one’s human intellect, which contributes to the edification of any society. Instruction involves a more general principle than pedagogy. As for education, that word is used in a broader sense to designate the training of individuals of any age or of a community (education of the people and not indoctrination).

Article 7 – The goal of education is not …

The goal of education is not just to “make heads full” but “well made”, but also to instruct people in how to behave, so as to be in line with custom and the set of practices socially recognised as being the best manners. To educate is to “learn to learn” or to think for oneself, in order to make individuals free within autonomous societies.

Article 8 – One’s way of being or doing …

One’s way of being or doing is a behaviour whose effects have a certain impact on others – one’s neighbours. This is the case for politeness or civic sense, which can be defined as the set of basic rules for living together in a group, determined by a given behaviour and language.

Article 9 – As a conclusion …

As a conclusion, the education of an individual depends a lot on his or her family and social environment. It fosters the transmission of cultural heritage.

Department 5

Environment: its multifaceted aspects

Article 1 – For human beings, the environment is …

For human beings, the environment is everything that is located or arranged in a more or less circular way around them. For our planet, the environment is made up of all the spatial bodies closest to its centre. For our sun, the environment is not only made up of all the planets and bodies orbiting around it, but also of all the suns forming the constellation to which our own solar system belongs.

Article 2 – The environment refers to …

The environment refers to all the elements in or around something, in a more or less circular pattern around a given centre. An individual’s environment is represented by his or her usual surroundings as well as by the space and the natural environment surrounding that individual.

Article 3 – More generally… the notion of indivigroup

More generally and synthetically speaking, the environment is the set of natural and cultural conditions that are likely to affect human activities and all living organisms. An individual’s intimate social environment is made up of the group to which he or she belongs, i.e., the people living close to him or her: their spouse, family, friends, neighbours, clan, tribe, particular indivigroup. The indivigroup defines the position of free individuals within an autonomous group endowed with legal capacities and marked by rights and duties.

Article 4 – The family is all the people …

The family is all the people linked by marriage, filiation (kinship link uniting the child to its father and mother) and, exceptionally, by adoption. The tribe is a group of families living in the same region, whose unity is based on a common social structure and on common myths. The clan is a group of people forming a separate category, brought together by a community of interests or opinions.

Article 5 – Friends are made up of …

Friends are made up of all the people with whom an individual is linked by reciprocal feelings of affection or sympathy, based on psychic or psychological ties which are neither those of blood nor those of sexual attraction. We generally call “environment” what surrounds a person or a thing. It is also the set of material means and physical circumstances that surround, frame, delimit and influence the field of activity of a living being. As for space, it is the natural environment where humans locate their perceptions, in a word it is the geographical environment where men live.

Article 6 – The natural environment …

The natural environment is made up of physical elements: climate, relief, vegetation, soil and subsoil. Humans are closely linked to their environment which determines them – environment that must be respected and protected – from which they draw the energy potential needed for their survival: fuel, food, building materials and materials for manufacturing objects or utilitarian things.

Article 7 – Overall, Nature …

Overall, Nature is the surrounding and natural environment of every individual who is part of it and from which he or she cannot escape. Nature, i.e., the set of living kingdoms (minerals, plants, animals and humans), is also the set of dynamic forces or invisible principles that animate and organise the framework of existence of living beings and the habitat of human life. On its own, Nature is an order that structures the existence of life. Man must therefore respect it. Nature is, above all, for humanity the earth on which it lives and the atmosphere in which it breathes. It is the space where the terrestrial globe and all the planets of our solar system evolve.

Article 8 – A man-made environment …

A man-made environment becomes an artificial and no longer natural environment, because Nature is all that exists on our planet and humanity must be part of it by working as all natural forces do. The earth is therefore the environment where humanity lives, i.e., the geographical set of all the places on the surface of the planet where human beings can build their habitat and their site of general evolution.

Article 9 – Ecology …

Ecology is a relatively recent term to define the Science which tries to study the environments where living beings live; it seeks to determine and precisely know the relationship of living beings with their natural environment.

Department 6

Agriculture: food, the basis of physical civilisation and progress

Article 1 – Agriculture …

Agriculture is the economic activity whose object is the growth of plants and vegetables useful to people, and in particular those intended to feed them. In this respect, it proposes to cultivate the land and to work it profitably, quantitatively and qualitatively, without toxicity and danger for our future. The plant kingdom is fragile and humanity must avoid at all costs any form of poisoning of the earth, which is the source of life and food.

Article 2 – It is the set of practical and social techniques …

It is the set of practical and social techniques by which populations transform their natural environment – with a view to producing edible plants and raising in dignity the domestic animals which are useful to them and which contribute to human life – in the form of family farming, using natural and non-toxic fertilizers, to breeding in respect of the animal kingdom.

Article 3 – Humans by observation …

Humans by observation seek to do what nature does, to imitate it, and reproduce it, to help it and even to perfect it. They domesticate a limited number of plant and animal species. They select animal breeds and plant varieties, so as to obtain the desired products. They strive to protect cultivated plants and domesticated animals from possible competition and create favourable conditions for their growth. Plant and land resources are the property of all mankind and cannot belong to any particular group of individuals. They cannot, therefore, be the object of particular appropriation by groups targeting the particular and selfish interests of their members. Earth, water, air belong to all species on earth.

Article 4 – Cultivation in agriculture …

Cultivation in agriculture is the art of working the land, so as to make it produce in abundance the plants necessary for man’s vital needs. Farming involves planting the necessary natural (not genetically modified) seeds which germinate by drawing the nutrients they need to grow from the soil and air (carbon dioxide). Sunshine and clean air are also essential factors in plant growth.

Article 5 – The word “earth” …

The word “earth” evokes the solid element on which living beings evolve or the surface layer of the ground in which plants take root. Soil represents the upper and surperficial part of the earth’s crust that human beings work on. Soil is naturally a mixture of mineral particles mixed with micro-organisms and organic substances, which serves, in part, as a support for plants and animals. We must therefore keep it healthy from all toxic products. Fire contributes to purify the earth and the plant ash is the best ecologically sound fertiliser.

Article 6 – Humans essentially carry out …

Humans essentially carry out the agricultural activities with the specific objective of feeding themselves, in order to maintain, restore or ensure the growth of their dense physical forms. Feeding the physical body of a man or animal means providing it with all the essential and natural (not genetically modified) foodstuffs it needs to function and maintain itself. Food is what maintains, restores, preserves and renews the life principle in any organism, by providing it with the substances necessary for its assimilation.

Article 7 – Agriculture is the basis of all physical civilisation …

Agriculture is the basis of all physical civilisations and of all human societies. Human societies have been formed around the rituals of eating and drinking, thus giving themselves the community bases of food sharing necessary for all progress in human condition.

Department 7

Industry: technology and creativity at the service of people

Article 1 – Industry is the set …

Industry is the set of all laborious and productive activities aimed at manufacturing products from raw materials, mining and harnessing various energy sources. The term itself has its origin in craftsmanship, creative dexterity, manual skill, special dexterity, talent or human ingenuity, all of which is often the result of the transmission of an ancestral culture or the product of a civilising heritage.

Article 2 – People can be industrious …

People can be industrious or resourceful or both at the same time. They have the art of handling and transforming materials and raw materials. The industrious people have acquired a certain know-how and mastered techniques in various specific fields. The ingenious people, endowed with the faculty of imagining, have the ability to invent the tools and instruments of productivity, the factories and the machines necessary to produce on a large scale, at an industrial level, what the craftsmen produce in limited quantities. Craftsmen and engineers complement each other: the former create often exceptional works in small quantities, the latter are able to discover the means to produce industrially. In this way, creativity and technology are placed at the service of all human communities and societies that intend to make use of the products they produce, which also leads to the destruction of consumable materials (such as canned food whose packaging is destroyed after use). Recycling used products is a natural part of any industrialisation process.

Article 3 – The term “industry” …

The term “industry” has both a technological and an artistic connotation, the sense of work-craftsmanship. A person is said to “live off his industry”. The craftsman practises an art transmitted through the ages, a profession involving a certain manual and intellectual ingenuity. Tradition essentially contributes to the transmission of “craft” arts through customs, usages, know-how, ideas, professional companionship – in contact with master workers, as well as through the use of words (word-of-mouth).

Article 4 – The industry is diverse …

The industry is diverse: automotive, oil, food, textile, metallurgy, tourism, film, art, etc. It refers to the craft and mechanical arts, and to manufacturing in general, as opposed to agriculture. Its purpose is to exploit mineral resources and all sources of energy, and to transform raw materials into finished and manufactured products, with the help of salaried workers who must be able to enjoy the fruits of their efforts fairly.

Article 5 – Through intelligently coordinated actions …

Through intelligently coordinated actions and the organisation of work (Taylorism), man’s work makes the most of subsoil resources (ores, fossil fuels), the control of air, wind, water and other raw materials (substances in their original state) through the use of processing techniques. Techniques are mechanical operations that are mastered by human intelligence and result in the manufacture of finished products that can be used as they are by consumers and users.

Article 6 – Controlling energy …

Controlling energy is what makes it possible to operate factories or industrial systems to produce mechanical work under human control. Energy is absolutely essential in the technical implementation of transformation processes. It can be produced mechanically, electrically, thermally, and even in other ways using new knowledge and technologies.

Article 7 – Originally, economics …

Originally, economics also applied to the proper management of houses and residences, and to the management of the workforces of man, animals and Nature in all its biodiversity.

Article 8 – In every human group …

In every human group, the economy refers to the mastery of technologies and applied arts aimed at producing, controlling, distributing and consuming the products and material goods resulting from human ingenuity.

Article 9 – Industrial production …

Industrial production is the act of manufacturing material goods in varying quantities, providing the services and activities inherent in this process, and employing the practical resources needed to make it happen. The aim of distribution is to distribute the goods produced and make them available to as many people as possible at prices that are not profit-driven. All work deserves a fair wage for everyone, regardless of social category. Consumption is the act of using and making useful use of the products of industry; it is the act of using, assimilating, transforming and recycling consumable products.

Department 8

Society and Life: harmonious organisation of society

Article 1 – By the term “social” …

By the term “social”, we mean everything that concerns the human collectivity considered as a whole whose various parts are not distinguished. More specifically, it refers to a company, i.e., an association of persons governed by common rules and brought together for a common activity or to defend their interests. There are literary, sporting, mutualist, learned and corporate societies, and so on.

Article 2 – A company is therefore a group of people …

A company is therefore a group of people who have pooled property with a view to sharing the benefits that may result from its development, and between whom there are administratively structured relationships. It also refers to any group of people with equitable commercial objectives. More commonly, it refers to an association of individuals with whom we live. The conjugal and associative bond is the basis of all human society. Indeed, man and woman – through their social alliance called marriage or union – generate the family and families generate the community. We speak of religious families whose associative union constitutes the religious community par excellence. By extension to the animal kingdom, we speak of animal societies (bees, ants, other insects) which are the natural union of certain animals or insects living in organised groups. What characterises all human and even animal societies is the existence of a unifying intelligence.

Article 3 – Intelligence is a factor that favours …

Intelligence is a factor that favours social life, and therefore pacifism. When it is lacking, because man gives priority to primal instincts, or when it is deliberately oriented towards the egocentric interests of a group of people, conflict and war become inevitable at some point. Intelligence developed through idealism (not ideology) is the highest faculty of any co-ordinated, adjusted and harmonised personality. It governs all human relationships and makes possible all agreements, all alliances and associations, all unions based on the convergence of sensibilities, feelings and emotions. For example, we say of such and such people that they live in perfect intelligence, i.e., in perfect agreement. Intelligence encourages correspondence and communication between people who are striving to get along.

Article 4 – In principle, all human beings are equal …

In principle, all human beings are equal before the law. In practice, however, social conditions mean that there is a huge disparity between individuals and social classes. People are very unequal socially, and each one finds himself or herself segregated into one social class or another. A social class is a group of people who share a common function, lifestyle, ideology and, above all, economic status. Political ideology often gives rise to social classes: for example, the rich and the poor, right-wing and left-wing parties.

Article 5 – Different social classes …

Different social classes sometimes have opposing interests, which is at the root of profound inequalities that generate both moral and economic opposition. Because of their birth, their race and their socio-cultural position, each individual has a rank or place within the social hierarchy. This implies a relationship of subordination and submission to an authority that extends to modern forms of slavery. Slavery is the situation of any person who does not enjoy civic freedom or the appearance of freedom, and who is totally dependent on a master or a State. According to the principle of human rights, every human being is civilly free. But this freedom is only relative when man does not have his full freedom of expression, business creation and association. But isn’t true freedom about freeing oneself from one’s own primitive instincts?

Article 6 – Slavery …

Slavery exists wherever there is a link of subordination, hidden or apparent, which demeans and humiliates people, keeps them in an inferior condition or rank, prevents them from progressing and developing, reduces them to the status of objects or matricules, confines them to the most degrading tasks, oppresses them morally and economically and deprives them of their human dignity. It is a fact that up to now, in the history of civilisation, every society – of whatever kind – has included discriminatory classes, whether or not there is any declared opposition between them. Ignorance is the mother of slavery. Knowledge is liberating.

Article 7 – The social dimension is also closely linked …

The social dimension is also closely linked to working conditions and implies the idea of improving, perfecting and expanding consciousness. Work must not be merely utilitarian on a formal and earthly level. It must give every person human dignity, economic freedom, social honour and recognition by the group as a whole. It is therefore necessary for every individual as an essential factor in evolution, progression and perfection. Through a specific, chosen and desired occupation, every person must contribute to the construction of the general social edifice. Work must provide every person with the means necessary for his or her individual and autonomous existence. The social dimension is, therefore, everything that should make it possible to achieve the conditions for dignified and noble work, with respect for the human person, making possible the harmonious organisation of human societies. This implies the development of life in its most psychological and spiritual aspects, as well as the fulfilment of the human intellect. There can be no human progress or perfection of any kind without a general mobilisation of all the intelligences and without increased development of the intellect in relation to the higher principle of intuition.

Department 9

The Development of Life: existence as the criterion of action

Article 1 – Life is a concept …

Life is a concept that covers various levels of reality, namely: all the phenomena that affect changes in the form of organisms (functions of nutrition, reproduction, regeneration, etc.), the intelligent vital power that lies behind the appearances of all material forms (the consciousness aspect that animates the form), the existence of a supreme will from which all things and all beings originate and return.

Article 2 – Biology …

Biology, which is the science of living organisms (mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms), deals mainly with the form or appearance that life takes to express itself in a dense physical universe. It deals with the physical bodies of living beings. A physical living body is a form composed of various substances capable of renewal.

Article 3 – Life seems to be a spontaneous activity …

Life seems to be a spontaneous activity inherent in organised beings, but in fact it exists everywhere, in organic as well as inorganic bodies, in animate as well as apparently inanimate things.

Article 4 – For man, “to live” means “to be alive” …

For man, “to live” means “to be alive” in his or her chemical form. Man’s physical body is the vehicle for the manifestation of his or her individual consciousness in the world of forms, but consciousness also manifests itself in mineral, plant and animal forms. What differentiates the human kingdom from the other kingdoms (animal, plant, mineral) is the state of consciousness of the life that is manifest there. Life is global and brings all forms into existence: it manifests and realises its potential through experience. Existence is the fact of being the reality present within a given form or appearance. Life develops by acting through the multitude of animate and inanimate forms. The presence of the life principle within material forms is the criterion of its living activity.

Article 5 – Life is cyclical …

Life is cyclical in its many physical manifestations. The life cycle is the duration or space of time between the birth of a living form and its death or destruction. It represents the sum of the activities and events that characterise the history of its existence and manifestation. Forms are born, develop and die. Life incarnates and disincarnates.

Article 6 – What is special about human life …

What is special about human life is that it is creative, intelligent, endowed with reason and governed by the laws of the universe. It is structured by major events: conception, birth, development, experience, fulfilment and death. Conception is the process by which the principle of life becomes incarnate, taking on a form in the mother’s womb, following the union of a sperm and an ovum. Birth is the beginning of the existence of life outside the maternal organism. Death is the process of withdrawal of life or the thinking principle. Everything in nature renews itself cyclically according to the terms of a universal law, the ins and outs of which man in general is still unaware.

Article 7 – The development of formal life …

The development of formal life includes childhood, youth, adulthood and decline, during which the growth of the physical form and the expression of its inherent psychological aspects take place. Growth of the form is the act of growing, of progressively expanding until the stage of maturity of the form. Experience is the fact of existing in an adult form, making possible the very expression of life in various ways, in order to ensure the fulfilment of the living being. After this, the cycle of existence of life in form comes to an end with death, i.e., the destruction of the physical form, which results in the liberation of the consciousness or thinking principle (the ego) and the spirit of the being on another plane of existence. It seems logical to think that at death life returns to where it was before existing in the dense form. The universe is full of life. What is invisible is only invisible from the physical and human point of view. Within this universe, there are many vibratory octaves of primordial light, determining multiple states of the substance and essence of things and beings.

Article 8 – Maturity is the age …

Maturity is the age when man is able to generate his/her own descendants. Old age is the age of decline, a preparation for death, for life to leave its earthly habitat. Physical death occurs through the severing of the cord of life linking the thinking principle to dense form: it is the cessation of life in form, the cessation of the dynamic functions ensuring the existence and movement of being in form. More precisely, death is the withdrawal of the living being from its vehicle of temporary manifestation.

Article 9 – Life is a complex concept …

Life is a complex concept affecting the matter, consciousness and spirit aspects of things and beings. It undoubtedly has a temporal and a timeless, a provisional and an eternal dimension. In its temporal aspect, it appears to be limited by the cycle of passing time. Everything that exists formally and physically has a beginning, a middle and an end. Time is the chronological succession of events in history and the stages of continuous experience. It is the indefinite continuity of the incessant changes, movements and mutations of life expressed in a multitude of material forms (evolution). Life is multiform and multi-existential: it determines the sensations, feelings, emotions, thoughts and spiritual or metaphysical activities of the thinking principle. In fact, it encompasses all the dynamics of existence, in the multiple fields of activity that range from the atom to the blade of grass and from the blade of grass to the star and the galaxies. We can, therefore, talk about the life of societies, of countries, of stars, of galaxies, of creation in all its infinite manifestations.

Article 10 – When we speak of life …

When we speak of life within infinite creation, we are touching on a domain that goes far beyond the simple limited framework of human mental comprehension: it is that of life as the primary source and centre of everything that is, has been and will be, whose nature is the primordial cause of all phenomena in the created world in its finitude.

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